방 구해요 / 룸메이트

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방 구해요
소재지 Buist Avenue, Philadelphia (Eastwick), Pennsylvania, 19153 USA
임대료 700-800/월
카테고리 룸메이트
건물 타입 아파트
방 타입 프라이빗
입주가능일 2024/4/01
Web Access No.1714767

Looking to Rent near PHL airport area

I'm looking to rent in the Philadelphia airport area. Looking for a private room around the $700-800 range. I travel for a living and will be on call to leave at a moments notice, so I won't be spending a lot of time in the apartment/house. On my off days I will be going back home to California. So if you're looking for a responsible roommate who pay rent and never spend time there (you'll have lots of alone time), I will be a great fit for you.

Thanks, looking forward to hearing for anyone who's interested

  • [개최일]2024년 4월 1일
  • [시간]지정없음

I'm looking to rent in the Philadelphia airport area. Looking for a private room around the $700-800 range. I travel for a living and will be on call to leave at a moments notice, so I won't be spending a lot of time in the apartment/house. On my off days I will be going back home to California. So if you're looking for a responsible roommate who pay rent and never spend time there (you'll have lots of alone time), I will be a great fit for you.

Thanks, looking forward to hearing for anyone who's interested

  • [등록자]Cyeung05
  • [언어]English
  • 등록일 : 2024/03/12
  • 게재일 : 2024/03/12
  • 변경일 : 2024/03/12
  • 총열람수 : 310 명